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Children & Families

Baby Supplies


Patient Handouts from the CRC

Patient Handout-Baby Supplies (Rev 3/24)- Spanish version (3/24)Haitian Creole version (3/24), Portuguese version (3/24), Traditional Chinese version (3/24)



If a child receiving MassHealth is over age 3 and needs diapers for a medical reason, they may qualify for MassHealth coverage. For more information and how to apply, see these Guidelines for Medical Necessity.

Diaper Banks:

Call 211 or search 211 to find local diaper banks. All diaper banks listed below are members of the National Diaper Bank Network, which connects and supports community-based diaper banks that collect, store and distribute free diapers to struggling families across the US.

  • Western MA
  • Eastern MA
    • Viv’s Give - 781-336-9303, 675 Bedford St, Abington, MA 02351. Participants are asked to show a WIC card or other referral from a local agency, shelter caseworker, pediatrician office, or social worker.
  • Southern MA
    • A Baby Center - 508-771-8157, 81 Willow Ave., Hyannis MA 02601. Serves residents of Cape Cod and the Islands.
  • Metrowest MA
    • A Place to Turn Diaper Project - 508-655-8868, 99 Hartford St., Natick, MA 01760. Serves residents of Metrowest Massachusetts.
    • Salvation Army - 508-875-3341, 59 Howard St., Framingham, MA 01704. Serves residents of Framingham and Southborough.
  • Boston Area
  • National
    • Giving Diapers, Giving Hope - Provides free cloth diapers to low income families- ships for free to eligible families across the US. Apply online. CLOSED as of 12/2018

Cradles to Crayons:

Cradles to Crayons provides children with free essentials: clothing, shoes, books, art supplies, diapers, strollers, car seats, toys, hygiene supplies, and more. Cradles to Crayons does not work directly with families- they have built a network of approved Service Partners who distribute donated items to children and families who meet the income eligibility requirements.

To be eligible:

  1. Family and/or child must be working with an active Cradles to Crayons Service Partner; AND
  2. Family/child must meet income eligibility requirements for Cradles to Crayons services- a Service Partner representative can assist with this

Jewish Family & Children's Services

JF&CS has its own in-house diaper supply to improve the health and emotional well-being of the babies and parents they work with. Must be existing clients. More:

Vincent Newborn Necessity Program- MGH Chelsea HealthCare Center:

This program, for patients of the MGH Chelsea HealthCare Center, provides baby supplies to mothers who are unable to afford them. The program is supplied through donations, but can typically provide one bag of used, good condition clothing, diapers, and wipes to new mothers. Mothers can visit the program two to three times to receive supplies for their newborn. The Chelsea HealthCare Center is located at 151 Everett Ave, Chelsea, MA 02150 and can be reached at 617-889-8561.  



Cribs for Kids prevents infant sleep-related deaths by educating parents and caregivers on the importance of practicing safe sleep for their babies and by providing portable cribs to families who, otherwise, cannot afford a safe place for their babies to sleep. They work with partner organizations across the country to provide portable cribs for low-income families. Partners may have a different set of requirements for receiving portable cribs- some partners only provide safe sleep education, but not cribs, however they may know of other area programs that may assist. Enter a zip code to find a local partner organization.

Room to Grow serves families from just before their child's birth through age three by providing individualized parenting education and support, material items, and specialized referrals to community resources to ensure a healthy and secure start in life. Parents in the program visit Room to Grow every three months, starting from the mother's third trimester of pregnancy and then throughout the baby's first three years of life. Families must be referred by a professional at a partner agency in order to receive services and baby items. MGH is a partner agency.

Car Seats

For members of Boston Medical Center HealthNet plan:

  • Each child between 5-65 lbs. can receive an infant seat once per lifetime. When a child is between the ages of 4-8 years old, they are eligible for a booster seat which they will send to replace the infant seat, once requested. Pregnant mothers can request a car seat 45 days prior to their due date. Call the BMC HealthNet Plan Member Services Department at 888-566-0010 to request a free car or booster seat. 
  • Mothers who have delivered a baby and have a postpartum visit within 3-8 weeks after delivery can get free diapers if they and their provider fill out this form and fax it to 617-951-3411 or mail it to Attn: Quality PPV, BMC HealthNet Plan, 529 Main Street, Suite 500, Charlestown, MA 02129.

For members of Tufts Health Together plan:

  • Women who are 28 or more weeks pregnant and newborn to 8-year-old members of Tufts Health Together plan are eligible to receive a $25 gift card to buy a booster or convertible car seat. Members can get one gift card every 12 months, and two gift cards during their membership.
  • Call 888-257-1985 with questions or concerns. Interested members can fill out this form and mail it to Tufts Health Plan, Attn: Claims Department, P.O. Box 9194, Watertown, MA 02471-9194.

For members of Fallon Community Health Plan:

  • Parents expecting or adopting a baby can sign up for Oh Baby! health and wellness program with no additional cost. This program supplies new parents with prenatal vitamins, a car seat, a breast pump, a home safety kit, and a temporal thermometer or a parental education book.
  • Fill out this form to enroll.

Chelsea Community Connections Coalition:

Chelsea Community Connections is a neighborhood based, resident driven coalition that facilitates partnerships with resources and services for the purposes of strengthening families, eliminating child abuse and neglect, and building a healthier community. The coalition hosts a variety of events and provides support services to families in Chelsea. Among these services is a clothing closet for children that accepts donations of clothing and small baby furniture, including car seats, high chairs, strollers, bouncers, and more. The clothing closet, located at 113 Hawthorne St, Chelsea, MA 02150, is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am-3pm. For more information, see or call 617-889-7100.

Car Seat Safety:

Car seat inspection sites are organizations with at least one Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Technician on staff. CPS Technicians are certified via training and continuing education in the proper installation of car seats and booster seats. Their services are free of charge and they can:

  • Install a car seat
  • Inspect a car seat already installed in a car to ensure it has been done correctly
  • Answer any car seat safety questions

There are many car seat inspection sites. Here, they are broken up into two sections by location: Inspection Site Locations A-L and Inspection Site Locations M-Z. Call to make a car seat safety appointment.

Breast Pumps- Insurance Coverage

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, health insurance plans must provide breastfeeding support, counseling, and equipment for the duration of breastfeeding. These services may be provided before and after birth. Health insurance plans must cover the cost of a breast pump. Plans may have guidelines on whether the covered pump is manual or electric, the length of the rental, and when it will be received (before or after birth). Patients should contact their insurance plan with questions about breastfeeding benefits.

Massachusetts Children's Fund CLOSED

The Massachusetts Children's Fund is a non-profit organization that gives jars of baby food and gently used baby supplies to families in need. The Children's Fund relies on food drives, private donations, and volunteer workers. The organization delivers jars of baby food to homeless shelters and community organizations. The jars of baby food supplement the infant formula and dry baby cereal given out by other programs.


Rev 5/18